There are several purposes for this blog:
- To give info about Maranatha Soccer.
- To make others aware of my coaching schedule.
- To eventually become a source of soccer coaching tips and drills (when I find software that will allow this).
- To relay my philosophy of athletics.
- To give recognition to current players.
- To help start relationships with future soccer players and MBBC students.
- To connect with alumni.
So far, I have made progress toward a few of those goals. I am still working on the others. One result of this blog is that Sarah and I have been able connected with friends with whom we went to school. It has been really fun to renew acquaintances and find out what everyone else is doing - especially since Sarah and I have never really left Maranatha (not Sarah's fault, by the way). It is such a blessing to hear how others are doing, especially those who have remained faithful to Christ.
Okay, I promised myself that I wouldn't do this, but I have decided to do a role call like several other bloggers that I read. I know that Discipleship through Athletics gets hits from over 10 countries, 45 states, and 75 cities for an average of 250 hits a week. They can't all be my mom. I would like to find out who is out there. So, if you lurk here once in a while, please leave a comment. If you don't want to comment publicly, email me directly here. That way, if I don't get any comments, I can just say that everyone emailed me directly. :) - C
Well, I will be the first one...even though you already know I visit here regularly. (And that is almost as bad as only having your mom check your blog.) :-)
Nice picture of...Spencer, is it?
Let me first say that I appreciate and love my mom very much. I just hope that she isn't the only one who stops by here once in a while. :)
That is Spencer in the picture. I can't remember what we were talking about, but the pic was taken by Sandy Hagan at Finlandia. the most remarkable thing about the game was that Eloe started and played the whole match - even had a chance to score, but shanked it over the top of the goal.
I visit your blog from Sarah's once in a while, though this is probably the first time I left a comment. It's fun to keep up with your family online.
I do come here often, but I still don't understand soccer!
Yeah, Coach I am here too! Was that the same game when Eloe's shot hit the goal line and rolled back out, rather than into the net? Poor guy!
Morning Rose, thanks, I keep up on your family as well. Say hi to Hiep for me.
Two Sticks, you never did understand much, did you. . .just kidding. Say hi to your bro for me.
Sandy, I thought it was a header that went over from about 1 yard out. I had better let Eloe know about this discussion so he can set the record straight.
Here! =)
I stop by to make sure you're not up to no good =P. Looks like you've got everything under control =).
Isn't there a footprints or something you can get for blogger that lets you know who's stopped by? Xanga has footprints. You can make it so people have to log in and then you know who was there at what time =). I know you can at least get a tracker that gives you the state and the time that your page was looked at. That way you at least know how many hits you get.
I think the blog moderator should be banned from commenting in his own roll call.
I have to pump up the numbers somehow. . .
Here! I do a lot of one-handed clicking through my favorite links while dealing with small people or while feeling my mind go numb when the house is quiet at night. Just added yours!
You'll never get rid of me . . . even though you laughed whenever I suggested playing soccer on your team . . . right, KJ? :-P
I'm sure you would have been a great player. If only. ..
I'm late, but I stop by now and again!
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