Friday, January 19, 2007

Some Reading

I recently came across three articles in which some of you may be interested, especially those of you who either will be choosing a college in the near future or are in a position to influence those who are choosing a college. For most of my life, I thought that the decision about what college to attend was not really that big of a deal. My parents probably would have allowed me to attend a secular school, had I wanted to - especially since I was paying most of my own way. I have always thought that I would be pretty much the same person no matter what school I had attended.
Lately, I am not as thoroughly convinced of this. The choice of a college might have more to do with who we are than I originally thought. I speak with many young people who are going through this decision - and no, I don't always tell them that MBBC is the right place for them. In fact, there are many good schools out there. I do seek to work through the decision based facts and goals.
Many students tell me that they choose a school based on a "feeling of peace" or "it's just God's will". Sometimes these can be spooky ways to make a decision. It is better to ask: What kind of person do I want to be? A school will seek to conform its graduates to the mission of the college. Look hard at that mission and the school's alumni. I think this is one of the best factors to consider when choosing a college.
I think I just set the record for number of links in a blog post. - C

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