Friday, June 15, 2007

Players Who are Involved

One of the goals of the Maranatha Soccer program is to prepare our players to become excellent soccer coaches. We believe that the NCAA III experience is a key influence in their soccer development, however there are many other ways to learn to work with young people and sports with credibility. Many of our players volunteer to work at the YMCA in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Some of our players volunteer to work with teams at Watertown High School. Several are involved with the rec league here in Watertown. A large number of our players work as high school and club referees around the area.

Junior midfielder, Melissa Nichols, did both this last semester. She volunteered as the head coach of the Watertown U-11 girls soccer team and spent much of her time on weekends as a referee in the soccer club. A month or so ago, we were driving through Brandt-Quirk Park and saw Melissa as an assistant referee for a boy's U-14 match. I snuck up behind her and took a few pictures without her even knowing. I have posted a couple here. There are several more that are not quite as good. . .you can purchase the entire set in exchage for a small donation to the women's team fund to buy new warm-ups. . . :) - C


Anonymous said...

I MISS soccer HORRIBLY!! There's NOTHING here in Palestine for adults to do... =(...except to go out drinking, which of course we don't do.

Coach C said...

Kj, I think you and Jen were the first female referees in our program. I think Michelle Fillmore did a little reffing as well. I remember you doing a couple one-day tourneys where you made a lot o' $.

Don't worry, though. You are not going to have time for anything extra in a month or so...

Anonymous said...

ya, i think you're right about the ref. thing...good money, but I definitely don't miss that job. It was fun, but Three years was enough for me =).

About the time thing...i'm thoroughly enjoying my free summer...swimming and sitting pretty much. I try to get stuff done, but I don't last long. I can't even sit at the computer without having to take a break to lie!!

Coach C said...

Is this the "energizer bunny" KJ that I know? Just wait until you have to chase a 3 yr old and 2 yr old around for most of your pregnancy like Sarah did with the last one. :)

Anonymous said...

energizer bunny...ha - that is me no more...not for now anyway. My dr just told me to go to bed for 24 hours...(no serious probs)...I don't think that includes the computer cuz i can't sit up i better log off before i'm caught =P...