- Our trip to UW Stout when Coach Carrie locked the keys in a running van.
- Our trip to Benedictine when Coach Jen locked the keys in our van and Kristen pulled the window open just enough for Elise to reach her arm in an unlock it. No one else had arms that were skinny enough.
- Our return trip from Lakeland in 1998, when I missed Hwy 26 and took Hwy 23. It was the first of many "missed turns" - usually because I was having a fascinating conversation with one of the players. . .
- Running out of gas on Main St. in Watertown.
- Our trip to Camp Chetek to help with fall clean-up and Monica (our goalkeeper) broke her finger and then broke her leg a week later. . .
- Our trip to Camp Chetek in late September - the men's team had to help to get the docks out of the water. One of the coldest swims that I have ever had.
- Our trip to Finlandia when Eloe played the whole match and missed a point-blank goal.
- Our 7 hour drive, play a match and drive 7 hours back in the same day to play GLCC.
- O'Morrow's flip throw assist to Spencer v Edgewood.
- O'Morrow's own goal on Swifty v CUC.
- Stueb's playing a whole match with a separated shoulder.
- Roby's goal with his left from 35 yds v Marian to cost them the conference championship.
- All of the four-year players.
- The adidas jacket that the 2005 team gave me - still wear it.
- The framed verse (Job 23:10) signed by the 1998 team.
- Autumn's height.
- Shasta's goal against Alverno.
More to come. . .