Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Day 9

Day 9 started with some of the best weather of the trip. Four new kids showed up to soccer camp and we spent time warming ups, doing our dutch circle drill, finishing practice and ending with our camper v counselor scrimmage. The kids got a real kick out of several "bicycles" demonstrated by Stephen Roby.

Sean O'Morrow demonstrated his tree and fence climbing abilities to retrieve a ball.

Andrew Solarek shared his testimony with the kids.

Later that evening we played a match against University of Eichstaedt. They're team had a lot of big players compared to American soccer teams. We lost the match 2-1.

Afterward, we found out that one of their players had played in the American A-League and at the University of New Mexico. New Mexico lost to Maryland in the NCAA I finals last year.

After the game we enjoyed a "grill" with the other team. During this time the gospel was shared, tracts handed out, and relationships were formed.

I am a day behind in my posting - internet was down last night. I hope to catch up today. -C

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