Thursday, January 24, 2008

Catching up. . .

I have not posted much lately and I need to catch up on a few things.There were several weddings over the last month that deserve mention here at Maranatha Soccer.

First, Sarah Beardslee married Cole Gelderneck on December 15th. Sarah is third all-time in goals scored for the women's soccer team and she was a part of one of our best squads that won 13 games in 2003. This was a tough wedding for us to miss, but we enjoyed checking out the pictures on her sister Karen's facebook page.

Emily Yogerst was married to Dave Marriott on December 21, during a huge snowstorm in Wisconsin. Lack of a babysitter and the weather kept us away from this one, although it would have been great to see Travis and Christine and other former soccer players at their wedding.

Erik Eloe and Erika Licht (their first names are not a typo) were married on January 12. We were able to attend this wedding since it was in Watertown at our homechurch and I was an usher and a nursery was provided (Thanks Elise Jones!) It was a beautiful wedding. Both the bride and groom played on the Maranatha soccer teams and each of the bridesmaids were also former Maranatha soccer players: Shasta Mikolowski, Emily (Yogerst) Marriott and Charell Kukowski.

After observing the number of weddings that I have seen over the last 11 years as the women's coach, I have come to some conclusions:
  • I am quickly becoming an expert at running wedding rehearsals. Coaching a soccer practice is just like running a wedding rehearsal.

  • While you may want me to run your rehearsal, you do not want me to decorate for your wedding.

  • I enjoy being the MC at wedding receptions, although you need to prepare to be embarrassed. Boy, I wish I had been on the mike at KJ's wedding. . . I also do bar mitzvah's and sweet 16 parties too.

  • It is fun to attend weddings with your spouse, as long as we can leave the children at home.

  • If I ever let a guy come near enough to ask one of my daughters to marry him and I say yes, I will strongly suggest that they elope and I might even pay for the honeymoon if they agree to the plan.


Sarah said...

I am proud that I have dragged you to enough weddings that you can now judge whether they were "beautiful" or not.
I think some people may be confused by the picture of Swifty and Eloe's back...Swifty may start getting questions about his wedding.....

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, no one seems to have taken any pictures of Eloe over the last few years. . .

Lindsey said...

if I ever get married will you come to my wedding coach? =)

Anonymous said...

Lenny...I am thinking since you ARE his FAVORITE PLAYER...he will find a way. :)

Unknown said...

Coach, you totally get to emcee my reception! I don't get embarrassed easily...even though I'm sure you could come up with something...

Kevin and Jill Thompson said...

It's those Grandma Char genes kicking in . . . always very in charge! :-) By the time Joyous gets married, we'll having this wedding business down to an exact science!

Anonymous said...

@ lindsey: would not miss it for the world, but you have to promise not to wear heels, my short-man complex is bad enough
@ hillary: i am going to have to start writing down funny stories about you
@ Jill: Joy will elope if she knows what is good for her. Four older, married siblings at the same wedding cannot be a good thing

gone forever said...

lol...i have a feeling i might know what you would say!? hahahaha....i was soooo...stupid! SUCH a big mouth. =p

Lindsey said...

coach - with or without heels, I am still way taller than you, and since taking ballroom dancing I actually gained 3/4 of an inch by improving my posture...ha!

Anonymous said...

Coach, I'm going to need an MC for my wedding. Will Elijah be available?

Unknown said...

Wow...I didn't know that you kept up on all the details Coach! Eloe always hid from the camera, and you're wife might be right about what you think is 'beautiful'. lol