Friday, August 10, 2007

KJ's Baby

I have been out of town and finally got around to posting this announcement:

Andi Rae McCuistion was born Friday, August 3rd at 12:54am. She was 21 1/2 inches long and 7 pounds 1 ounce.

. . .a little small for college soccer, but we'll take her.

KJ (Kowalcyk, now McCuistion) was a four year player from 1998 to 2001 for the Maranatha Women's Soccer team. Congratulations, KJ and Drew! -C


Anonymous said...

i logged on to your page and sat down on the couch to eat supper while i was waiting for it to load. it through me off to look over at the computer and see

I LOVE being a mommy. and drew is an incredible dad. i've seen so much emotion in him i've never seen before. being a parent definitely changes you - in some ways instantly.

I'll have andi put on some weight before she tries out for soccer - K? =P

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the baby, KJ and Drew!

Anonymous said...

I thought Kaje was there 99-02 seasons? What a cute little girl! I got more pics on email and am amaxed how un-newborn she looks! Congrats you two!

Coach C said...

Anonymous, you might be right about that, I'll check my records.

Anonymous said... brain is definitely gone cuz i didn't catch the date mistake. my first season was 99...way to anonymous =P. at least SOMEBODY is thinking for me...