Monday, August 13, 2007

Recently Brought to My Attention

This is a sad post and somewhat belated, but I thought it would be a good idea to bring it to the attention of the Maranatha Soccer family. Tyler Burcalow, a student athlete from Edgewood College, passed away this summer in a car accident. You can read the story here. Even though the accident took place around the Fourth of July, but I am sure that his family is still hurting and in need of prayer. It is also a sober reminder of the brevity of life on this earth and a challenge to focus on the eternal.

This incident brings to mind another tragedy that, oddly enough, also involved Edgewood College - when a referee passed away during a soccer match between EC and MBBC in 1993. These events emphasize the sovereignty of God and should affect how we interact with fans, players, and referees in the arena of athletics.

"Only what's done for Christ will last." - C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that happening. I called home almost immediately and talked to my dad about his salvation. Although no fruit that I know if has come from it, I trust that God is in control and had that man die at that time for specific reasons. Thank you for sharing your heart in life and in soccer!