Friday, December 07, 2007

Pics From Kristen

I have been very lax (that is another form of the word 'lackadaisical' for Myles K.) in posting lately. I hope to get back to a regular schedule of posts very soon. One of our graduating seniors, Kristen Kowalcyk dropped off a CD of pictures the other day and I plan to post a large number of them. Kristen is faithful at taking good pictures throughout the season and I am always thankful for her work when I go to post on this blog during the off-season. Here are a few:

We are especially thankful for our Russian player, Babushka Dow.

Our goalkeeper shows off some of her outstanding technique. We think she learned this when she was a volleyball player.
Don't ask. All I can say is "I won".
Everyone knows the rule is: No dating until your senior year. Kristen followed it and look at how things worked out for her!

You can view more pictures from our season on the Men's and Women's Soccer homepages at More pictures to come! - C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pretty sure that picture does not give the mad juggling skills in the middle of the road justice!! HEHE