Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Day Three

Today was a long day. Most of us did not get back to the hostel until ten thirty. This will not be a long post since about half of the keys do not work on this keyboard. I#ll have to get a better one tomorrow. I think I saw an internet cafe on the way back - I might be able to get a better price than eight cents a minute. We scrimmaged the team from Pillsbury in the rain today. The field conditions were pretty poor. The final score was MBBC two Pills one. The number keys don#t work and onlz one of the shift keys work.
We also attended the Wednesdaz night service for the church in Erlangen. More tomorrow. -C


Anonymous said...

Nice pic on SI. Makes me want to be in Germany even more. Find some way to stay dry over there! Continuing in prayer for you!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Abby! Email me at

We will check every day!

Keep Dry and win souls!

Praying for you every day - Take lots of pics
We are all ok

Love, us

Sarah said...

You made it to Sharper Iron front page again. I am so proud!!! The girls will be proud to, when they see how they looked in the picture being viewed by hundreds of fundamentalists. :-)
I thought of the souvenir that I want--a German star. It is a 3-D star that can hang in your window. Please ask the missionaries if they have such things over there. I would be forever grateful if I received one!
Praying for you all....